The Chiemgau Impact Research Team
(in alphabetical order)
Rudolf Beer, Burghausen
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers
Gerhard Benske, Emmerting
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers
Thomas Bliemetsrieder, Siegsdorf
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers
Alfred Michael Dufter
Graduate information scientist (FH)
Special interests: Astronomy, 3D computer graphics, photography
Memberships:“Astronomie im Chiemgau” and “Chiemgau Impakt e.V.” _________________________________________________________________________
Prof. Dr. Kord Ernstson
Faculty of Philosophy I
University of Würzburg
Dr. rer. nat (geophysics)
Dr. rer. nat. habil. (geology)
Fields of activities: Geology, geophysics and petrography of impact structures, impact processes, rock mechanics, geophysics and regional geology
Affiliations: American Geophysical Union (AGU), Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, Meteoritical Society, Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG)
List of publications and more informations
(Copy to the e-mail address bar please)
Till Ernstson
Fields of actitivity:
prehistory and early history, experimental archeology, geology, geophysics
Prof. Dr. Ioannis Liritzis
University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies – Lab of Archaeometry
Professor of Archaeometry and Director (& Founder) of Lab of Archaeometry of the Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.
Fields of activity: interdisciplinary archeometry – physics and archeology; linkage of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, astronomy) and humanities (prehistory, archeology, fine arts and philosophy).
A special appreciation of his person and personality may be clicked here: Ioannis Liritzis
Hans-Peter Matheisl (Traunstein)
– Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers
– Chiemgau Impakt e.V.: secretary
– Chiemgau Impakt e.V.: press spokesman
H.-P. Matheisl and K.Ebinger (to the left) on the occasion of a geophysics campaign at the Tüttensee meteorite crater.
professional: computer scientist / department head IT service in a mid tier; nationally certified engineeer in the field of electrical engineering
Werner Mayer, Bergen
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers
Ernst A. Neugebauer
Andreas Neumair, graduate geologist
Fields of activity:
Petrography, chemistry, environmental geology and hydrogeology
Meteoritical Society
American Geophysical Union
Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG)
Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler
Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft
Freunde der Bayer. Staatss. für Paläontologie und hist. Geologie
Chiemgau-Impakt e.V.
Barbara Rappenglück, M.A.
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (INFIS), Gilching
List of publications and more informations:
Dr. Michael A. Rappenglück
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (INFIS), Gilching
Master of Arts (MA) in Philosophy, Logic and Theory of Sciences, Christian Philosophy and Theology (Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich)
Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) in History of Natural Sciences, History of Astronomy, Astronomy und Systematic Theology (Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich)