The Chiemgau Impact Research Team

(in alphabetical order)

CIRT member Rudolf Beer
Rudolf Beer, Burghausen
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers

Gerhard Benske, Emmerting
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers

CIRT member Gerhard Benske

Thomas Bliemetsrieder, Siegsdorf
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers

CIRT member Thomas Bliemetsrieder


Alfred Michael Dufter

Graduate information scientist (FH)

CIRT member Alfred Michael Dufter


Special interests: Astronomy, 3D computer graphics, photography

Memberships:“Astronomie im Chiemgau” and “Chiemgau Impakt e.V.” _________________________________________________________________________

Prof. Dr. Kord Ernstson
Faculty of Philosophy I
University of Würzburg
Dr. rer. nat (geophysics)
Dr. rer. nat. habil. (geology)

CIRT member Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Kord Ernstson

Fields of activities: Geology, geophysics and petrography of impact structures, impact processes, rock mechanics, geophysics and regional geology
Affiliations: American Geophysical Union (AGU), Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, Meteoritical Society, Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG)
List of publications and more informations


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Till Ernstson
Fields of actitivity:
prehistory and early history, experimental archeology, geology, geophysics

CIRT member Till Ernstson


Prof. Dr. Ioannis Liritzis

Ioannis Liritzs

University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies – Lab of Archaeometry

Professor of Archaeometry and  Director (& Founder) of Lab of Archaeometry of the Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.

Fields of activity: interdisciplinary archeometry – physics and archeology; linkage of natural sciences (geology, geophysics, astronomy) and humanities (prehistory, archeology, fine arts and philosophy).

A special appreciation of his person and personality may be clicked here: Ioannis Liritzis


Hans-Peter Matheisl (Traunstein)

– Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers

– Chiemgau Impakt e.V.: secretary

– Chiemgau Impakt e.V.: press spokesman

Hans-Peter Matheisl H.-P. Matheisl and K.Ebinger (to the left) on the occasion of a geophysics campaign at the Tüttensee meteorite crater.

professional: computer scientist / department head  IT service in a mid tier; nationally certified engineeer in the field of electrical engineering

Werner Mayer, Bergen
Group of the amateur researchers/discoverers

CIRT member Werner Mayer

Ernst A. Neugebauer

CIRT member Ernst A. Neugebauer

Andreas Neumair, graduate geologist
Fields of activity:
Petrography, chemistry, environmental geology and hydrogeology


Meteoritical Society
American Geophysical Union
Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG)
Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler
Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft
Freunde der Bayer. Staatss. für Paläontologie und hist. Geologie
Chiemgau-Impakt e.V.

CIRT member Dipl--Geol. Andreas Neumair

Barbara Rappenglück, M.A.

Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (INFIS), Gilching

CIRT member Barbara Rappenglücl MA

List of publications and more informations:

Dr. Michael A. Rappenglück

Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (INFIS), Gilching
Master of Arts (MA) in Philosophy, Logic and Theory of Sciences, Christian Philosophy and Theology (Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich)
Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) in History of Natural Sciences, History of Astronomy, Astronomy und Systematic Theology (Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich)

President of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC) – (
President of the German Archaeoastronomical Society
Member of the Astronomical Society (Germany)
Member of the IAU Working Group Astronomy and World Heritage
Member of ISAAC (International Society for Astronomy in Culture)

CIRT member Dr. Michael A. Rappenglück MA

List of publications and more informations: