
Dear visitor of our website, dear friends and interested parties,

scientific research is not for free, and during the last almost ten years the members of the Chiemgau Impact Research Team (CIRT) have, apart from precious few exceptions of modest external contributions, privately financed their work by substantial own funds. Sophisticated and costly investigations have been made possible by support of various companies and institutions, and we would like to particularly mention Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Oberkochen, Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis, Wiesbaden, and the Laboratory for Diamond Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Science in Syktyvkar.

However, a prompt research progression again and again lacks bits and pieces financially. This concerns, e.g., the preparation of thin sections, geochemical analyses, the purchase of LIDAR data for issues and analyses of topographic detailed maps, attendance to scientific meetings, and much more.

With a donation you may contribute to our research that in this respect would be facilitated. The donated sum can be paid online relatively easily and quite secure when you click the “Donate” button below.

The donations are transferred to the account of the registered Chiemgau Impact Research booster club, and the funds are managed and expended subject to the concerted regulations. On request you will get a donation receipt.