Kord Ernstson (2010): Der Chiemgau-Impakt. Ein bayerisches Meteoritenkraterfeld. 80 S. (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.). [Kord Ernstson (2010): The Chiemgau Impact. A Bavarian Meteorite Crater Strewn Field. 80 pp (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.), in German.]
— (2015): Der Chiemgau-Impakt. Ein bayerisches Meteoritenkraterfeld. Teil 2. 62 S. (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.). [Kord Ernstson (2015): The Chiemgau Impact. A Bavarian Meteorite Crater Strewn Field. Part 2. 62 pp (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.), in German.]
Online order here
Abstract articles – meetings, conferences
F. Bauer, M. Hiltl, M. A. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2020): An eight kilogram chunk and more: evidence for a new class of iron silicide meteorites from the Chiemgau impact strewn field (SE Germany). – Modern Problems of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Mineralogy (Yushkin Readings – 7-10 December 2020, Syktyvkar, Russia), Proceedings, 359-360.
K. Ernstson, T. G. Shumilova (2020): Chiemite — a high PT carbon impactite from shock coalification/carbonization of impact target vegetation. – Modern Problems of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Mineralogy (Yushkin Readings – 7-10 December 2020, Syktyvkar, Russia), Proceedings, 363-365.
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2020): Artifact-in-impactite: a new kind of impact rock. Evidence from the Chiemgau meteorite impact in southeast Germany. – Modern Problems of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Mineralogy (Yushkin Readings – 7-10 December 2020, Syktyvkar, Russia), Proceedings, 365-367.
J. Poßekel, K. Ernstson (2020): Not just a rimmed bowl: Ground penetrating radar (GPR) imagery of small caters in the Holocene Chiemgau (Germany) meteorite impact strewnfield. – 11th Planetary Crater Consortium 2020 (LPI Contrib. 2251), Abstract #2014.
K. Ernstson, J. Poßekel (2020): Digital terrain model (DTM) topography of small craters in the Holocene Chiemgau (Germany) meteorite impact strewnfield. – 11th Planetary Crater Consortium 2020 (LPI Contrib. 2251), Abstract #2019.
K. Ernstson, J. Poßekel, M. A. Rappenglück (2020): Near-ground airburst cratering: petrographic and ground penetrating radar (GPR) evidence for a possibly enlarged Chiemgau Impact event (Bavaria, SE-Germany). – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Poster, Abstract #1231., Poster
J. Poßekel, K. Ernstson (2019): Anatomy of Young Meteorite Craters in a Soft Target (Chiemgau Impact Strewn Field, SE Germany) from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Measurements. – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,Abstract #1204, LPI Contrib. 2132., Poster
F. Bauer, M. Hiltl, M.A. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2019): Trigonal and Cubic FE2SI Polymorphs (Hapkeite) in the Eight Kilograms Find of Natural Iron Silicide from Grabenstätt (Chiemgau, Southeast Germany). – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Poster, Abstract #1520, LPI Contrib. 2132., Poster
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2019): Metallic Artifact Remnants in a Shock-Metamorphosed Impact Breccia: an Extended View of the Archeological Excavation at Stöttham (Chiemgau, SE-Germany) – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Poster, Abstract #1334, LPI Contrib. 2132., Poster
K. Ernstson, J. Poßekel (2017): Meteorite Impact „Earthquake“ Features (Rock Liquefaction, Surface Wave Deformations, Seismites) from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Geoelectric Complex Resistivity/Induced Polarization (IP) Measurements, Chiemgau (Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany). – 2017Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, 11-15 Dec. AbstractEP53B-1700, Poster
K. Ernstson (2016): Evidence of a meteorite impact-induced tsunami in lake Chiemsee (Southeast Germany) strengthened. – 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1263.pdf. Abstract
(Ergänzung zu Yushkin Memorial Seminar 2014:) Poster
Michael A. Rappenglück, Frank Bauer, Kord Ernstson, Michael Hiltl: Meteorite impact on a micrometer scale: iron silicide, carbide and CAI minerals from the Chiemgau impact event (Germany). – Problems and perspectives of modern mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2014) Proceedings of mineralogical seminar with international participation Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia 19–22 May 2014.. – Abstract
Ernstson, K., Hilt, M., Neumair, A.: Microtektite-Like Glasses from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Southeast Germany): Evidence of a Proximal Impact Ejecta . – 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.1200. – Abstract
Rappenglück, M.A., Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Calcium-Aluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs) in iron silicide matter (Xifengite, Gupeiite, Hapkeite): evidence of a cosmic origin – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5055. – Abstract
Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Rappenglück, M.A., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Fe2Si (Hapkeite) from the subsoil in the alpine foreland (Southeast Germany): is it associated with an impact? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5056. – Abstract
Neumair, A., Ernstson, K. (2013): Peculiar Holocene soil layers: evidence of possible distal ejecta deposits in the Chiemgau region, Southeast Germany – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5057. – Abstract.
Ernstson, K., Müller, W., Neumair, A. (2013): The proposed Nalbach (Saarland, Germany) impact site: is it a companion to the Chiemgau (Southeast Bavaria, Germany) impact strewn field? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5058. – Abstract
K. Ernstson, T. G. Shumilova, S. I. Isaenko, A. Neumair, M. A. Rappenglück: From biomass to glassy carbon and carbynes: evidence of possible meteorite impact shock coalification and carbonization. – Modern problems of theoretical, experimental and applied mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2013): Proceedings of mineralogical seminar with international participation. Syktyvkar: IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2013. 546 p. . – Abstract
S. Isaenko, T. Shumilova, K. Ernstson, S. Shevchuk, A. Neumair, and M. Rappenglück: Carbynes and DLC in naturally occurring carbon matter from the Alpine Foreland, South-East Germany: Evidence of a probable new impactite. – European Mineralogical Conference, Vol. 1, EMC2012-217, 2012., European Mineralogical Conference 2012. Abstract
Barbara RAPPENGLÜCK, Kord ERNSTSON, Ioannis LIRITZIS, Werner MAYER, Andreas NEUMAIR, Michael RAPPENGLÜCK and Dirk SUDHAUS: A prehistoric meteorite impact in Southeast Bavaria (Germany): tracing its cultural implications. – 34th International Geological Congress, 5-10 August 2012 – Brisbane, Australien. Abstract
Shumilova, T. G., Isaenko S. I., Makeev B. A., Ernstson K., Neumair A., Rappenglück M. A.: Enigmatic Poorly Structured Carbon Substances from the Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany: Evidence of a Cosmic Relation. 43nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012), 1430.pdf. Abstract.
Ernstson, K. & Neumair, A. (2011), Geoelectric Complex Resistivity Measurements of Soil Liquefaction Features in Quaternary Sediments of the Alpine Foreland, Germany, Abstract NS23A-1555 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. Abstract
(Ergänzung zu Yushkin Memorial Seminar 2014:) Poster
Journal articles
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2020c): The Chiemgau Impact: evidence of a Latest Bronze Age/Early Iron Age meteorite impact in the archaeological record, and resulting critical considerations of catastrophism. – 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Bern, 4-7 September 2019, Oxford: BAR publishing. (Reviewed and accepted, forthcoming).
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, M. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2020b): The Chiemgau Impact — a meteorite impact in the Bronze/Iron Age and its extraordinary appearance in the archaeological record. In: Wolfschmidt, G. (ed.) Himmelswelten und Kosmovisionen — Imaginationen, Modelle, Weltanschauungen. Nuncius Hamburgensis. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, 51, Hamburg: tredition. (Reviewed and accepted, forthcoming).
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2020a): Exceptional evidence of a meteorite impact at the archaeological site of Stöttham (Chiemgau, SE-Germany). In: Draxler, Sonja, Lippisch, Max E. (eds.) Harmony and Symmetrie. Celestial regularities shaping human cultures. – Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Astronomy in Culture, August 27 – September 2018, Graz, Oxford: BAR publishing. (Reviewed and accepted, forthcoming).
T. G. Shumilova, S. I. Isaenko, V. V. Ulyashev, B. A. Makeev, M. A. Rappenglück, A. A. Veligzhanin, K. Ernstson (2018): Enigmatic Glass-Like Carbon from the Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany: A Natural Carbonization Process. – Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), Vol. 92, Issue 6, 2179-2200.
Abstract – Unusual carbonaceous matter, termed here chiemite, composed of more than 90% C from the Alpine Foreland at Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, southeastern Germany has been investigated using optical and atomic force microscopy, X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, high‐resolution Raman spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis, as well as by δ13C and 14C radiocarbon isotopic data analysis. In the pumice‐like fragments, poorly ordered carbon matter co‐exists with high‐ordering monocrystalline α‐carbyne, and contains submicrometer‐sized inclusions of complex composition. Diamond and carbyne add to the peculiar mix of matter. The required very high temperatures and pressures for carbyne formation point to a shock event probably from the recently proposed Holocene Chiemgau meteorite impact. The carbon material is suggested to have largely formed from heavily shocked coal, vegetation like wood, and peat from the impact target area. The carbonization/coalification high PT process may be attributed to a strong shock that instantaneously caused the complete evaporation and loss of volatile matter and water, which nevertheless preserved the original cellular structure seen fossilized in many fragments. Relatively fresh wood encapsulated in the purported strongly shocked matter point to quenched carbon melt components possibly important for the discussion of survival of organic matter in meteorite impacts, implying an astrobiological relationship.
M. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2017): Kosmische Kollision in der Frühgeschichte. Der Chiemgau-Impakt: Die Erforschung eines bayerischen Meteoritenkrater-Streufelds. – Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, Band 17, 235 -260. (English translation:
Abstract – “Chiemgau Impact” is an event which took place in the Bronze Age / Iron Age with the creation of a large meteorite strewn field by the impact of a comet / asteroid in southeast Bavaria. The research is interdisciplinary from the outset. It covers, among other things, geology, geophysics, limnology, archaeology, mineralogy, speleology, astronomy, and historical sciences. The research results show that a major disaster must have taken place in the area between Altötting, the Lake Chiemsee, and the Alps. Finds of exotic material, found only in meteorites, extremely stressed and altered rocks, caused by extreme pressures, high temperatures and the action of acid, strange carbon spherules, glass-like carbon, nanodiamonds, magnetic anomalies, soil compaction, sinkholes, and many other abnormalities can be explained by the hypothesis of a post-ice age impact. All the impact criteria required according to scientific standards were demonstrated. The impact associated with a large air blast may have produced considerable regional and probably transregional effects. People not only from the Chiemgau region were witnesses of the fascinating, shocking and disturbing event. Perhaps quite accurate descriptions of the event and the regional effects were even described in the ancient Greek myth of the young racer Phaeton, driving the solar chariot. The paper presents the current (2017) state of knowledge and briefly also the research history.
K. Ernstson, C. Sideris, I. Liritzis, A. Neumair (2012): THE CHIEMGAU METEORITE IMPACT SIGNATURE OF THE STÖTTHAM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE (SOUTHEAST GERMANY). – Mediterranean Archaeology ans Archäometry, 12, 249-259.
Abstract. – Archaeological excavation at Chieming-Stöttham in the Chiemgau region of Southeast Germany revealed a diamictic (breccia) layer sandwiched between a Neolithic and a Roman occupation layer. This exotic layer bears evidence of its deposition in a catastrophic event that is attributed to the Chiemgau meteorite impact. In the extended crater strewn field produced by the impact, geological excavations have uncovered comparable horizons with an anomalous geological inventory intermixed with archaeological material. Evidences of extreme destruction, temperatures and pressures including impact shock effects suggest that the current views on its being an undisturbed colluvial depositional sequence as postulated by archaeologists and pedologists/geomorphologists is untenable.
Liritzis, N. Zacharias, G.S. Polymeris, G. Kitis, K. Ernstson, D. Sudhaus, A. Neumair, W. Mayer, M.A. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück (2010): THE CHIEMGAU METEORITE IMPACT AND TSUNAMI EVENT (SOUTHEAST GERMANY): FIRST OSL DATING. – Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 17‐33. Vollständiger Artikel
Barbara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Andreas Neumair, Dirk Sudhaus & Ioannis Liritzis (2010): The fall of Phaethon: a Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany). – Antiquity, 84, 428-439.
Abstract. – Arguing from a critical reading of the text, and scientific evidence on the ground, the authors show that the myth of Phaethon – the delinquent celestial charioteer – remembers the impact of a massive meteorite that hit the Chiemgau region in Bavaria between 2000 and 428 BC.
Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A., Rappenglück, B., Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D. and Zeller, K.W. (2010): The Chiemgau crater strewn field: evidence of a Holocene large impact in southeast Bavaria, Germany. – Journal of Siberian Federal University, Engineering & Technology, 1 (2010 3) 72-103.
Abstract. – The Chiemgau strewn field in the Alpine Foreland discovered in the early new millenniumcomprises more than 80 mostly rimmed craters in a roughly elliptically shaped area with axes of about 60 km and 30 km. The crater diameters range between a few meters and a few hundred meters. Geologically, the craters occur in Pleistocene moraine and fluvio-glacial sediments. The craters and surrounding areas so far investigated in more detail are featuring heavy deformations of the Quaternary cobbles and boulders, abundant fused rock material (impact melt rocks and various glasses), shock-metamorphic effects, and geophysical anomalies. The impact is substantiated by the abundant occurrence of metallic, glass and carbon spherules, accretionary lapilli, and of strange matter in the form of iron silicides like gupeiite and xifengite, and various carbides like, e.g., moissanite SiC. The hitherto established largest crater of the strewn field is Lake Tüttensee exhibiting an 8 m-height rim wall, a rim-to-rim diameter of about 500 m, a depth of roughly 30 m and an extensive ejecta blanket. Physical and archeological dating confine the impact event to have happened most probably between 700 and 300 B.C. The impactor is suggested to have been a lowdensity disintegrated, loosely bound asteroid or a disintegrated comet in order to account for the extensive strewn field. Vollständiger Artikel
Rappenglück, B., Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A. Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D., and Zeller, K.W.: The Chiemgau impact: An extraordinary case study for the question of Holocene meteorite impacts and their cultural implications. – In: Belmonte, J. A. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, SEAC 16th 2008 “Cosmology across Cultures. Impact of the Study of the Universe in Human Thinking”, Granada September 8-12, 2008, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., 2009.
Abstract. – Did in the Holocene meteorite impacts of a size capable to affect human cultures happen at all and – if the answer is “yes” – which cultural implications did they have? Since a few years this question is fiercely and controversially discussed. The Chiemgau meteorite impact event may provide an important contribution to the discussion. This event stroke south-east Germany very probably in the 1st millenium BC and left a field of about 80 craters. In comparison to other Holocene impacts it provides extraordinary data by the extension of its crater field, the size of the biggest crater, the variety of secondary effects, the direct embedding of the impact layer in an archaeological stratigraphy, and the comparably good dating. The recently known data are introduced and discussed with regard to the question of cultural effects of Holocene impacts.
Barbara and Michael Rappenglück (2006): Does the myth of Phaethon reflect an impact? – Revising the fall of Phaethon and considering a possible relation to the Chiemgau Impact. – Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Proceedings of the International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, SEAC 14th 2006, „Ancient watching of cosmic space and observation of astronomical phenomena“, Vol. 6, No. 3 (2006), 101-109.
Internet articles, archived at the German National Library
Kord Ernstson, Michael Hiltl, Frank Bauer, Andreas Neumair and Michael A. Rappenglück (2010): Short-term coalification: a new impact-related process?
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2010051630
Andreas Neumair, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Barabara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück and Dirk Sudhaus (2010): Characteristics of a Holocene impact layer in an archeological site in SE-Bavaria, Germany
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2010051627
Kord Ernstson (2008): Regmaglypten auf Kalksteingeröllen: Hinweis auf Karbonatschmelze im Chiemgau-Impakt
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-20100515131
Till Ernstson (2007): A peculiar prehistoric artifact in the Tüttensee impact ejecta („Bunte Breccia“; Chiemgau Holocene impact event)
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2010052198
Kord Ernstson (2006): Neue Belege für den meteoritischen Ursprung des Tüttensees: Ein Impakthorizont in Schürfen bei Mühlbach
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2010051604
CIRT (Chiemgau Impact Research Team) (2006): The Holocene Tüttensee meteorite impact crater in southeast Germany
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-20100515163
Kord Ernstson (2006): Schock-Effekte (Schockmetamorphose) in Gesteinen aus dem Impakthorizont am Tüttensee (Ejekta, Bunte Breccie)
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-20100515141
CIRT (Chiemgau Impact Research Team) (2006): Der holozäne Tüttensee-Meteoritenkrater in Südostdeutschland
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-20100515121
CIRT (Chiemgau Impact Research Team) (2005): Kommentar zu „Der Tüttensee im Chiemgau – Toteiskessel statt Impaktkrater; von Gerhard Doppler und Erwin Geiss (Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt)“
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-20100515150
Kord Ernstson (2005): Gravimetrische Untersuchungen bei Grabenstätt: Anzeichen für einen Impaktursprung des Tüttensee-Kraters (Chiemgau-Impakt) erhärtet
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2010051611
Uli Schüssler (2005): Petrographie und Geochemie von mechanisch und thermisch geschockten Gero?llen aus dem nördlichen Bereich des Chiemgau-Impaktareals. Petrographic and geochemical analyses of mechanically and thermally shocked cobbles from the northern area of the Chiemgau impact strewnfield
Adresse der Netzpublikation:
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201005228993
M. A. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson, W. Mayer, R. Beer, G. Benske, C. Siegl, R. Sporn, T. Bliemetsrieder & U. Schüssler (2004): The Chiemgau impact event in the Celtic Period: evidence of a crater strewnfield and a cometary impactor containing presolar matter.
Adresse der Netzpublikation
URN-Identifikation: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201005228983
More internet contributions
Ferran Claudin i Botinas: Zur Diskussion um den Tüttensee Link
Uli Schüssler (2005): New analyses – new photomicrographs: xifengite, gupeiite and titanium carbide. Link
Uli Schüssler: Zur Herkunft der Eisensilizide „Xifengit“ und Gupeiit“ Link
Uli Schüssler: Nickel. Der Chiemgau-Gupeiit, der North Haig Ureilit-Meteorit und der NWA 1241 Ureilit-Meteorit. Link
Eine weitere wichtige Publikation zum Chiemgau-Impakt: Schryvers, D. and Raeymakers, B. (2005): EM characterisation of a potential meteorite sample, proceeding of EMC 2004, Vol. II, p. 859-860 (ed. D. Schryvers, J.P. Timmermans, G. Van Tendeloo). Abstract-Artikel und Poster (2 MB) können angeklickt werden!
Contributions (Lectures, Posters) of the CIRT at international and national congresses
Michael A. Rappenglück & Kord Ernstson: The Chiemgau crater strewn field (Southeast Bavaria, Germany): Evidence of a Holocene large impact event. – International Conference „100 years since Tunguska phenomenon: Past, present and future“. – June 26 – 28, 2008, Moscow (Russia).
Kord Ernstson & Michael A. Rappenglück: The Chiemgau crater strewnfield: Evidence of a Holocene large impact event in Southeast Bavaria, Germany. – International Scientific Conference „100 Years of the Tunguska Event“. – June 30 – July 6, 2008, Krasnoyarsk (Russia).
Barbara Rappenglück & Michael A. Rappenglück (for the Chiemgau Impact Research Team): The fall of Phaethon: Is this a geomyth reflecting an impact in Bavaria during the Celtic period? – 33rd International Geological Congress. Session: Myth and Geology. – August 5 – 14, 2008, Oslo (Norway).
Chiemgau Impact Research Team (CIRT): The Chiemgau Impact: An extraordinary case-study for the question of Holocene impacts and their cultural implications. SEAC (Société Européenne pour l’astronomie dans la culture) meeting (XVIth). – September 8-12, 2008, Granada (Spain).
Barbara and Michael Rappenglück: Does the myth of Phaethon reflect an impact? Revising the fall of Phaethon and considering a possible relation to the Chiemgau Impact.- International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, SEAC 14th 2006, 6-10 April, 2006, Rhodes, Greece.“Ancient watching of cosmic space and observation of astronomical phenomena „.
Uli Schüssler, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer & Barbara Rappenglück (2005): Das Impakt-Kraterstreufeld im Chiemgau. – Eur. J. Mineral. 17, Beih. 1: 124.
Michael A. Rappenglück, Uli Schüssler, Werner Mayer & Kord Ernstson (2005): Sind die Eisensilizide aus dem Impakt-Kraterstreufeld im Chiemgau kosmisch? – Eur. J. Mineral. 17, Beih. 1: 108
Ernstson, K. (2016): Evidence of a meteorite impact-induced tsunami in Lake Chiemsee (Southeast Germany) strengthened. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2016, 1263.pdf.
Ernstson, K. (2015): A cross-bedded diamictite: evidence of a big Lake Chiemsee tsunami in the Chiemgau meteorite impact event strengthened. – Ernstson Claudin Impact Structures. – Research on impact geology, geophysics, petrology, and impact cratering. URL
Ernstson, K. (2012): Chiemgau impact: Shock metamorphism (diaplectic glass) in the #001 crater, the Carancas (Peru) crater, and the question of the formation of very small hypervelocity impact craters. –
Michael A. Rappenglück, Frank Bauer, Kord Ernstson, Michael Hiltl (2014): Meteorite impact on a micrometer scale: iron silicide, carbide and CAI minerals from the Chiemgau impact event (Germany). – Problems and perspectives of modern mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2014) Proceedings of mineralogical seminar with international participation Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia 19–22 May 2014.. – Abstract
Ernstson, K., Hilt, M., Neumair, A. (2014): Microtektite-Like Glasses from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Southeast Germany): Evidence of a Proximal Impact Ejecta . – 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.1200. – Abstract
Rappenglück, M.A., Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Calcium-Aluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs) in iron silicide matter (Xifengite, Gupeiite, Hapkeite): evidence of a cosmic origin – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5055. – Abstract
Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Rappenglück, M.A., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Fe2Si (Hapkeite) from the subsoil in the alpine foreland (Southeast Germany): is it associated with an impact? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5056. –Abstract
Neumair, A., Ernstson, K. (2013): Peculiar Holocene soil layers: evidence of possible distal ejecta deposits in the Chiemgau region, Southeast Germany – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5057. – Abstract.
Ernstson, K., Müller, W., Neumair, A. (2013): The proposed Nalbach (Saarland, Germany) impact site: is it a companion to the Chiemgau (Southeast Bavaria, Germany) impact strewn field? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, 5058.pdf, Poster and Abstract
S. Isaenko, T. Shumilova, K. Ernstson, S. Shevchuk, A. Neumair, and M. Rappenglück (2012): Carbynes and DLC in naturally occurring carbon matter from the Alpine Foreland, South-East Germany: Evidence of a probable new impactite. – First European Mineralogical Conference 2-6 September 2012 – Frankfurt, Germany”
Barbara RAPPENGLUECK, Kord ERNSTSON, Ioannis LIRITZIS, Werner MAYER, Andreas NEUMAIR, Michael RAPPENGLUECK and Dirk SUDHAUS (2012): A prehistoric meteorite impact in Southeast Bavaria (Germany): tracing its cultural implications. – 34th International Geological Congress, 5-10 August 2012 – Brisbane, Australia.
Shumilova T. G., Isaenko S. I., Makeev B. A., Ernstson K., Neumair A., Rappenglück M. A.(2012): Enigmatic Poorly Structured Carbon Substances from the Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany: Evidence of a Cosmic Relation. 43nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012), 1430.pdf. Abstract.
The poster may be clicked here: Poster Ernstson & Neumair
The poster may be clicked here: Poster Neumair & Ernstson
Ernstson, K., Mayer W., Neumair, A., and Sudhaus, D. (2011): The sinkhole enigma in the alpine foreland, Southeast Germany: Evidence of impact-induced rock liquefaction processes. – Cent. Eur. J. Geosci., 3(4), 385-397. DOI: 10.2478/s13533-011-0038-y.
Barbara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Andreas Neumair, Dirk Sudhaus and Ioannis Liritzis (2011). Reply to Doppler et al. ‘Response to “The fall of Phaethon: a Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany) (Antiquity 84)”’. Antiquity, Volume: 85 Number: 327 Page: 278–280
Kord Ernstson, Michael Hiltl, Frank Bauer, Andreas Neumair and Michael A. Rappenglück (2010): Short-term coalification: a new impact-related process?
Kord Ernstson (2010): Der Chiemgau-Impakt. Ein bayerisches Meteoritenkraterfeld. 80 S. (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.).
Andreas Neumair, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Barabara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück and Dirk Sudhaus (2010): Characteristics of a Holocene impact layer in an archeological site in SE-Bavaria, Germany.
I. Liritzis, N. Zacharias, G.S. Polymeris, G. Kitis, K. Ernstson, D. Sudhaus, A. Neumair, W. Mayer, M.A. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück (2010): THE CHIEMGAU METEORITE IMPACT AND TSUNAMI EVENT (SOUTHEAST GERMANY): FIRST OSL DATING. – Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 17‐33.
Barbara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Andreas Neumair, Dirk Sudhaus & Ioannis Liritzis (2010): The fall of Phaethon: a Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany). –Antiquity, 84, 428-439.
Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A., Rappenglück, B., Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D. and Zeller, K.W. (2010): The Chiemgau crater strewn field: evidence of a Holocene large impact in southeast Bavaria, Germany. – Journal of Siberian Federal University, Engineering & Technology, 1 (2010 3) 72-103.
Rappenglück, B., Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A. Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D., and Zeller, K.W.: The Chiemgau impact: An extraordinary case study for the question of Holocene meteorite impacts and their cultural implications. – In:
Michael A. Rappenglück & Kord Ernstson: The Chiemgau crater strewn field (Southeast Bavaria, Germany): Evidence of a Holocene large impact event. International Conference “100 years since Tunguska phenomenon: Past, present and future”. – June 26 – 28, 2008, Moscow (Russia).
Kord Ernstson & Michael A. Rappenglück: The Chiemgau crater strewnfield: Evidence of a Holocene large impact event in Southeast Bavaria, Germany.INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “100 YEARS OF THE TUNGUSKA EVENT”. – June 30 – July 6, 2008, Krasnoyarsk (Russia).
Kord Ernstson (2008): Regmaglypten auf Kalksteingeröllen: Hinweis auf Karbonatschmelze im Chiemgau-Impakt
Kord Ernstson (2006): Neue Belege für den meteoritischen Ursprung des Tüttensees: Ein Impakthorizont in Schürfen bei Mühlbach
Kord Ernstson (2006): Schock-Effekte (Schockmetamorphose) in Gesteinen aus dem Impakthorizont am Tüttensee (Ejekta, Bunte Breccie)
Kord Ernstson (2005): Gravimetrische Untersuchungen bei Grabenstätt: Anzeichen für einen Impaktursprung des Tüttensee-Kraters (Chiemgau-Impakt) erhärtet.
Uli Schüssler, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer & Barbara Rappenglück (2005): Das Impakt-Kraterstreufeld im Chiemgau. – Eur. J. Mineral. 17, Beih. 1: 124.
Michael A. Rappenglück, Uli Schüssler, Werner Mayer & Kord Ernstson (2005): Sind die Eisensilizide aus dem Impakt-Kraterstreufeld im Chiemgau kosmisch? – Eur. J. Mineral. 17, Beih. 1: 108
M. A. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson, W. Mayer, R. Beer, G. Benske, C. Siegl, R. Sporn, T. Bliemetsrieder & U. Schüssler (2004): The Chiemgau impact event in the Celtic Period: evidence of a crater strewnfield and a cometary impactor containing presolar matter.